Jay Berry Farm: Blackberries, Strawberries and Raspberries Galore! - Chik's Crib

10 April 2017

Jay Berry Farm: Blackberries, Strawberries and Raspberries Galore!

Now that everybody has returned to Melbourne and settled themselves into our new house, things are livelier around Camberwell. We've met the neighbors, settled in our rooms, and most importantly, finally invested in a beast of a microwave for the low low price of $29 (Hello Cash Converter!) Moving to a different suburb even comes with culture shock, guys. The garbage truck comes trudging up the street every Tuesday, and that's when all the garbage and recycling bins appear on the curb in front of everybody's lawns. Well, being a lazy bum, I thought we could leave our bins permanently out on the curb but someone on the street ain't having any of it, and I came home on Thursday to find that a kind-hearted soul has wheeled our bins back up the steep driveway in the corner of the house for us, presumably under the impression that we forgot to do so. Gosh. There have been plenty of changes this year compared to 2016, and most of it welcomed. Another anticipated change around this time of the year is the beautiful seasonal shift, and I for one have been looking forward to the change too. 

One major perk of being caught between summer and autumn is the abundance of berry farms ripe for customers to meander around and pick to your hearts' contentTo get the most of the last of the summer fruits, we planned a drive out to the farms. Under the recommendations of our friend, we went to Jay Berry Farm. In fact, she had such a grand time on her previous trip just a week before us, she came with us as well.  

It's a $5 entry fee, and it's a great feeling to graze among the field picking whichever berry that strikes your fancy. Additional prices apply for bringing berries out, but prices are pretty competitive compared to Cole's or Woolie's or even Aldi's. Strawberries are $7/kg, blackberries for $13/kg, and raspberries for $13/kg as well. Depending on the months, you may be lucky enough to catch blueberry season, which goes for $13/kg. (Seasonal Food Guide Australia).     

If you do come, raspberries are often the first to run out, so definitely hit the raspberry patch first thing in the morning, then head over to the blackberries and finally strawberries. And, no exaggeration, these are hands-down the sweetest blackberries I ever had. They're not supposed to be sour and seedy! Even the deceptively pale-looking strawberries are intensely sweet. Definitely, 10/10 recommends. 
Jay Berry Farm
For prices and availability of fruits here, check out their website.

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